
You wanted NO BS dating and relationship advice inclusive of asexuality – well here it it – Asexualise Dating now has an official channel all of it’s own. So you can go straight to the heart of the matter and get all the dating and relationships advice you need in one place.

Watch the video below and subscribe here now https://www.youtube.com/@asexualisedating and hit the bell icon so you never miss a video. 

If you’re subscribed to my main channel https://www.youtube.com/asexualisemyasexuallife you will know I do a mixture of asexual information, education, entertainment and lifestyle videos. This channel includes a regular chat show where you can ask me any questions you like, live in chat. And I help asexuals with love, life, confidence, dating, relationships, self-love and self-care.

As I cater for asexuals across the asexual spectrum, some asexuals who never want to date or have a relationship – feel they don’t need this kind of advice (although they can still find it interesting and some of the things I talk about are relevant to any kind of relationship – such as friendships, so it’s still extremely helpful and valuable advice). Whereas other asexuals want more of these types of videos.

Some of my most watched videos on my main channel are my dating and relationships advice ones. And I did a survey to find out how many people would be interested in a new channel dedicated to just dating and relationships and an overwhelming majority said yes they would, so here it is.      

Watch the videos above and the videos below, and don’t forget to subscribe.

Please note, I have purposefully included my aim with this Asexualise Dating channel to incorporate sexuals as well as asexuals – this includes heterosexuals.

The reason for this is to fulfil my life mission of getting asexuality recognised as an official sexual orientation in it’s own right throughout the globe, so that no asexual lives in fear of ridicule ever again. I believe the only way of fully achieving this is to get the acceptance of the majority world population sexual orientation – that is heterosexuals, to make real and lasting impactful change on a world-wide scale.

There is lots of work being done, not just by me, but by many other asexual activists to unite asexuals with each other and to provide a relatable sense of community, but we don’t need to convince each other that asexuality is real and exists, we know it does.

Where we need to make a change is within the heterosexual community and general population at large – which is where I come in…

I have been in heterosexual relationships for over half of my life, and I had my first asexual relationship at just 6 years old. I was passionately kissing my boyfriend at that age!!!! And he wanted to do sexual exploration and I felt really uncomfortable and invaded as I knew it was wrong.

At 17 years I saw the college counsellor and told her about this and she didn’t understand why I was so upset about it and she dismissed and invalidated my feelings by saying it was just “doctors and nurses” and normal, but I knew it wasn’t. I thought I was heterosexual for years, but it’s clear looking back at that moment, that I was born asexual but didn’t realise it. That didn’t stop me having other heterosexual relationships in my teens and for years to come and I’m an asexual who has had sex in the past, because that’s what I thought I had to do as part of a “normal” relationship, I didn’t realise I had a choice not to do that and that there were others in the world like me, until I discovered I’m asexual in 2014.

As I write this, I’ve currently been sex free for coming up to 12 years – thank God, that makes me so happy.

However, I still haven’t found my asexual soulmate who I believe is Indian – I’ve been on the dating scene now since 2014 – that’s 9 years and I’ve learnt a lot in that time, both about the people on dating sites and dating apps, how to actually get dates and how to avoid getting into a relationship with an abuser or narcissist. I’ve learnt about love languages, attachment styles, how childhood trauma can affect relationships, about consciousness and ego and about what’s game playing and what isn’t, and now I can use all of this experience to help asexuals and help sexuals to be better too.

So I can bring both asexuals and sexuals together, to foster understanding and help asexuals come out as their beautiful selves by enabling sexuals to accept asexuality is very real and that we offer valuable and unique insights into dating and relationships, which are worth knowing about.

Please watch these videos below, like, share, and be sure to subscribe here https://www.youtube.com/@asexualisedating

If you like the above videos and you find them useful, helpful and insightful in some way, please subscribe so I can help you more, here https://www.youtube.com/@asexualisedating

I run 6 asexual groups on Facebook – 3 of which are for those who are looking to date and/or have a relationship with another asexual.

For those who are Asexual and interested in Dating Asexuals.

If you want to date asexuals and you are asexual and never want sex, you can request to join my no sex dating group, specifically for asexuals who don’t want sex at www.facebook.com/groups/acexualisedating group – you will be asked some questions upon request to join and not everyone is accepted.

There are other groups for asexuals who don’t mind having sex, but this is specifically for those who don’t want it!

If you are on the more Grey Asexual and Demisexual end of Asexual Spectrum, please request to be in my Grey Asexual and Demisexual Dating Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/greyacexualdatinganddemiacexualdating/

If you are just looking for Asexual Friends and you are asexual, you can request to join my www.facebook.com.groups/acefriendsrus 

Watch the videos below from my main channel and don’t forget to subscribe to that channel too here, if you want a mixture of asexual education, information, entertainment and lifestyle. If you just want asexual dating and relationship advice then subscribe to Asexual Dating channel here now https://www.youtube.com/@asexualisedating and hit the bell icon so you never miss a video.